I am not a professional chef, nor a photographer. I am just a regular person like you who likes to eat and enjoy meals with loved ones. Delicious, simple meals made with everyday ingredients can be yours even if you haven’t done much cooking before.
Have you found it challenging to adapt to changing circumstances? Is your pantry stocked for an emergency? Do you enjoy dining at home?
I don’t do recipes and this site is not about that. It’s meant to encourage your creativity and resourcefulness, to educate and perhaps entertain while we share our common experiences. Develop your own intuition in the kitchen and build your confidence in cooking.
My Story
I didn’t always like to cook. It was a necessary evil because everyone has to eat. Growing up, my job was to wash produce, debone chicken and prepare salad. There were so many rules: lettuce must only be torn, tomatoes must only be cut into wedges, chicken and fish could only be served baked or broiled…and then there was the clean-up! Ask any 12 year-old how they enjoy scrubbing a greasy broiler pan after a 15 minute dinner with people reading the newspaper at the table. Ugh.
Once I moved out on my own, I rebelled by buying only boneless, skinless chicken breasts…a memory that makes me howl with laughter because I now call them tasteless. I ate lentils with rice 3 times a week and pancakes on the others.
Something special happened the first time I prepared a meal for the man who would become my husband. I discovered the joy of dining at home. It was only the simplest meal of rosemary chicken and potatoes. He was so appreciative of my efforts and we lingered in conversation at the table.
I developed more culinary skill over the decades that followed, but what remains the same is the bonding that happens while enjoying a meal together. Whether the meal is simple or elaborate, it should always be tasty. And how much more satisfying it is to enjoy it with those whom you love.

For more on the inspiration, please read the first post entitled: No Chains.